Max meets a seemingly stupid version of Jack Strobe.
Episode 192: Intricately connected to the brain
Max finds a recovery service to help restore his memory of the enlightenment dimension.
Episode 191: The black pig note
Jack Strobe finds an unusual note in the pocket of his new jacket.
Episode 190: Your dog is definitely getting cancer
Max is optimistic about the new year.
Episode 189: The Christmas Ruiner
Another dimension’s Jack Strobe summons Max to help solve a holiday problem.
Episode 188: Say my name properly
Max tests a new safety feature on the Bageltron 2000.
Episode 187: We’ll be rid of this thing soon
Max gets an early Christmas present from Jack Strobe: a hot tip.
Episode 186: The Looneys
Max pops into a dimension in the midst of an intense and perplexing conflict.
Episode 185: Roll the Dice
We re-join Max and his band of adventurers on their quest to defeat the dragon…
Episode 184: Join us on our quest
Max meets a party of five adventurers on an exciting quest.