Max is taken in for processing by Wilson and his peppy AI friend Kevin.
Max is taken in for processing by Wilson and his peppy AI friend Kevin.
Wilson and his co-host rope Max into an unexpected guest appearance on an alternate dimension’s number one political podcast.
With a little help from Wilson and Santa, Max learns the true meaning of Christmas in a war-torn dimension.
Wilson and Max’s friend is having a bad day.
Max isn’t the only one who has invented a device that opens portals to parallel dimensions…
Max is forced to think on his feet when he drops in on Wilson and his TA in the midst of their evil tutoring session.
Max and Wilson are interrupted by the daily inspection and try to talk their way out of trouble with the inspector.
Max is whisked away by Wilson and his gruff companion, who force him to participate in an urgent hunt.
Wilson is overly excited about Max’s portal. Wilson’s best friend wants candy.
Wilson and his wife are shocked and disgusted at Max’s unusually repulsive appearance.
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